Free Blogging

As everybody already knows, we are part of Infomedia Network, a network of blogs that mainly deals with the development of articles for various clients. That is Content writing, but at a professional level. Lately, we can say that we have been a  little crowded, although the experience of the last six months tell us that there are waves  that goes and then returns.

Therefore we need serious partners who can write on  many niches domains,  have at least one year experience in the field of content writing, and are  able to present their own  portfolio.

We would be interested in cooperation in various languages, whatever they may be. As they say, a extra commercial will not harm anyone.

So if you know to write an article in a language of your choice, have an avatar picture (can be real or not) and have minimum and maximum price for your  services give us a call. Then … get to work!

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